Millfield Community Hall
25 Bennett Street, Millfield NSW 2325,
- Tours and Experiences
As per arranged.
Millfield Community Hall is a multi-purpose facility available to hire midweek and weekends, for both casual and regular bookings. The facility features:
*Accessible parking and amenities
*Playground / Skate Park
*Kitchen facilities
*Air Conditioning
With capacity for 75 patrons, Millfield Community Hall is regularly hired for social gatherings, recreational activities, community events, functions, birthday parties and classes.
Dimensions- The main hall section is 8.265metres x 6.630metres.The Kitchen is 2.445metres x 5.665metres.
Book your experience
Cancellation Policy
TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS FOR HIRE FOR MILLFIELD COMMUNITY HALL 1. EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS AND UNSAFE SITUATIONS Hirers must familiarise themselves with the items listed below and advise those attending of the following: 1.1 Safe access, aggress points and First Aid location 1.2 Emergency exits, evacuation plan and external assembly point 1.3 Location of fire extinguishers and fire protection equipment (eg. Fire hose reels & fire blankets) 1.4 Evacuate yourself and guests in any unsafe situations 1.5 In case of emergency call 000 SAFETY of the hirer & the hirer's guests is the hirer's responsibility whist under the Hirers care and control. AFTER HOURS- Please contact Council on 4993 4100 or the Hall Management Committee. 2. POLICE REGISTRATION, FUNCTIONS ONLY Where it is proposed to sell, provide or have alcohol at a function or the function is to be held on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening the hirer is required to register the function on the Police web site: (see Part 7. Registration of Function- Application for Use of Community Facilities form) 3. BOOKING INFORMATION 3.1 Applications are to be submitted to the relevant Hall Management Committee or Cessnock City Council 3.2 Supply full particulars of the nature and the purposes for which the facility is being hired. 3.3 Hire charges shall be in accordance with Council's adopted Fees and Charges 3.4 All charges for hire shall be paid strictly in advance 3.5 All booking approvals will be notified via phone call or email to the applicant. 3.6 Council/Hall Management Committee shall be at liberty to refuse to hire the facility to any applicant 3.7 Council facilities are not available for overnight hire 3.8 Regular bookings may be made for a maximum period of twelve months at a time 4. CANCELLATIONS 4.1 Cancellations are accepted fourteen (14) days prior to a booking. 4.2 Regular Hirers are required to pay for each and every day they book unless fourteen (14) days notice is received 6. KEYS The Hall access key is available on date of hire or as per prior arrangement. 6.2 This Hall has a lockbox with the keys inside. 6.3 A key deposit may be requested in accordance with Council’s adopted Fees and Charges 6.4 Lost or damaged keys – the hirer will be charged the full cost of replacement 7. CONDITIONS 7.1 The hirer is responsible for setting up, cleaning and putting away of all tables and chairs 7.2 Any Council equipment that is stolen or damaged (eg tables, chairs or fire protection equipment) during the hire of the facility will be at the hirer’s expense to replace/repair the equipment 7.3 The hirer is responsible for the supervision and safety of any children and invitees at the function/event at all times 7.4 All passageways, aisles and exits must be kept clear and useable to ensure public and guest safety 7.5 Any equipment stored on site, short term or long term, is at the hirers own risk. Council accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged equipment stored within the facility 7.6 Only one electrical appliance is to be used in each power point. Appliances are not to be piggy backed into each other. Any modification to hirer’s electrical equipment on site is to be carried out by a qualified electrician 7.7 Spillages – must be immediately cleaned up to protect the floors and for WHS reasons 7.8 Nails, screws or any other fastenings including adhesive tape must not be driven into or attached in any way to the walls, floors, timberwork, furniture, fittings, appliances or apparatus 7.9 The use of candles at the facility is to be discussed with the Hall Management Committee or Council officers to obtain consent 7.10 Prohibited items: confetti, paints, chewing gum, pyrotechnics (fireworks), illegal substances, hazardous substances, firearms, barbeques or spit roasts lit anywhere inside the facility 7.11 No flammable liquid is to be left on site 7.12 Smoking is prohibited inside the building & within 10 metres of playgrounds and 4 metres of any pedestrian access point to a facility as per the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000. Any persons smoking outside the building must be clear of pedestrian access points, preventing smoke entering the facility 7.13 If the hirer engages any contractor, it is the hirer’s responsibility to sight the contractor’s current public liability insurance to cover works, catering, entertainment, amusement rides or security to be provided at the facility 7.14 No animals shall be allowed in the facility except animals trained to assist people with disabilities or if Council grants special approval 7.15 Subletting of the facility is prohibited NOISE 8.1 Noise shall be kept within acceptable limits during the hiring and when departing the facility 8.2 If the Police attend due to complaints received regarding the noise level than the hirer should immediately comply with any instructions from the Police 8.3 The use of any sound amplification equipment outside the building is strictly prohibited 8.4 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Time Restrictions Noise Table states that musical instruments and electrically amplified sound equipment be turned off from midnight to 8am on Friday, Saturday or any day preceding a public holiday or 10pm to 8am on any other day ALCOHOL AND FOOD CONDITIONS 9.1 Selling Alcohol at a Function – A Liquor – Limited Licence (Single Function) & Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate is required – which must be produced and sighted by Council to confirm the booking details. A Limited Licence (Single Function) must be lodged online or with the Local Court House at least four weeks prior to the function. Visit for further information 9.2 Alcohol may not be sold in the facility without a liquor licence (see Part 4. Hire Details - Application for Use of Community Facilities form) 9.3 Sale or Supply of Liquor to a Minor is prohibited. Penalties apply as per the Liquor Act 2007 – SECT 117 9.4 Hirers will comply with any requirements of the Food Act 2003 and the Food Regulation 2015. Information relating to this legislation is available at INSURANCE 10.1 Individuals or organisations wishing to utilise Councils Community Facilities as a casual hirer are subject to a casual hirers administration fee payable to Council. Casual hirer means any person or group of persons (not being a sporting body, club, association, corporation or incorporated body), who hires a Council facility for non-commercial or non-profit making purposes, less frequently than once per calendar month or 12 times per calendar year. E.g. parties, baby shower, celebrations etc 10.2 Regular hirers of the facility must provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance with a minimum of $20 million. Regular hirer refers to more than one booking per month and/or more than 12 bookings per calendar year by an individual and/or organisation SECURITY 11.1 Where a function is deemed by Council as high risk such as 18th and 21st birthdays, the hirer may be requested, at their own expense, to hire a minimum of two registered Security Personnel to assist in maintaining a safe environment in and adjacent to the facility 11.2 Council will accept no responsibility for actions of persons engaged by the hirer, particularly, but not limited to, those engaged for the purposes of crowd control, commonly referred to as ‘bouncers’ CONSENT 12.1 The following activities require consent from Council if: 12.1.1 Working at heights: ladders, elevated platforms, scaffolding or rigging 12.1.2 Working in designated confined spaces, below the stage area and roof cavity 12.1.3 Using strobe or UV lights 12.1.4 Working with overhead lights of stage area (if applicable) 12.2 Please apply in writing to Council fourteen (14) days prior to the booking with safe work method statements. Risk assessments must be completed on site before commencing any works and be retained in the event of an incident or future claim NSW CHILD PROTECTION LEGISLATION User groups who provide services for children and wish to use or hire Council facilities must have appropriate Working with Childrens Check and have Child Protection policies or procedures in place. Council may request copies of policies or procedures for any bookings TIME OF HIRE Unless otherwise specified the hire period must cease by 12 midnight. The hirer, guests and contractors must vacate the premises by 1am. Hirers wishing to extend their hire period must make special application in writing to the General Manager BEFORE LEAVING CHECKLIST 15.1 The Hirer agrees to leave all areas of the premises hired in a clean and tidy condition immediately after the function. Access is unavailable after 9am the next day (unless otherwise approved by the Hall Management Committee or Council). The following checklist will be the responsibility of the Hirer: □ All tables and chairs are cleaned stacked/folded and put away □ Frequently touched surfaces such as tabletops, door handles, light switches, desks, toilets and toilet doors, taps, remotes, kitchen surfaces and cupboard handles are cleaned and disinfected □ Floors & Stage swept □ Kitchen benches, sinks appliances and handles are wiped over and disinfected □ Toilets cleaned and disinfected □ Decorations removed □ Broken glass & cigarette butts picked up □ All garbage bins emptied □ All rubbish removed from the buildings □ Oven & refrigerator cleaned (if applicable) □ All lights, air conditioners and fans are turned off □ All windows are securely locked □ All external doors are securely locked □ All goods, materials and property brought into the facility for the function/event/booking removed □ All external grounds/gardens are free of rubbish 15.2 Any damage which occurs due to the non-compliance of this clause, will result in the Hirer having to meet all costs associated with the repairs and/or replacements as necessary DISPUTES In the event of any dispute arising as to the meaning of any of these Conditions of Hire, or between the hirer and any representative of the Hall Management Committee, the decision of Council shall be final
25 Bennett Street, Millfield NSW 2325,
- Tours and Experiences
As per arranged.
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