Easter at Hunter Valley Gardens

The Easter Bunny is coming to Hunter Valley Gardens during our Mega Creatures event, bringing fun for the whole family!

Join us for a weekend of fun from Friday 18 April to Monday 21 April 2025, including Easter activities and our amazing rides*. Every child will receive an Easter chocolate at the completion of the Giant Easter Egg Hunt*. Plus, there’s also a Golden Egg Hunt to win a Family Annual Pass!

Purchase your tickets for the Giant Easter Egg Hunt! Tickets are $2 per hunt per child. Must be pre-purchased online, and are session specific, as an add on to your Mega Creatures Day session tickets. There will be two Easter Egg Hunt on Friday 18 and Monday 21 April and three Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 April.

Children with pre-purchased tickets can participate in the Giant Easter Egg Hunt and search for thousands of brightly coloured plastic eggs around the Frog Ponds area.

Every child receives an Easter chocolate at the completion of the hunt.

Add an extra spark of excitement to your visit with our amazing rides, operating daily during Mega Creatures from 10am to 3:30pm. Tickets are $6 per ride, or grab a bonus 6-ride pass for $30! Tickets can be purchased at the ride ticket booth in the event area. Last ride 3:15pm.

Please note: Height and age restrictions apply.

Tags: Easter

2025-04-18 09:00:00
2025-04-21 16:00:00

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